• nubunduafrikatz@gmail.com
  • +255758 855 854

Why Join Us?

We unite women in the pursuit of fitness, health and wellness, fostering a community of strong, empowered and healthy individuals.

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    Let's set aside our ego and allow our spirit to guide us. Let's let go of our pride and embrace the beauty of being led by something greater than ourselves. Let's let our spirit guide us on a path of love, compassion, and understanding, as we let go of the need to be in control. For when we let our ego fall away, we open ourselves up to a world of endless possibility and pure, unbridled emotion.

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    Creativity is what gives us a reason to feel alive and makes us feel like we matter. It is the spark that ignites our passion and drives us forward. It is the essence of what makes us human, and without it, life would be dull and meaningless. So let us embrace our creativity and let it flow freely, for it is what gives us purpose and makes us truly alive.

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    As we flow through the mindful practices of Yoga and meditation, we find solace in the physical movements of physio exercises. These practices nourish our bodies and minds, allowing us to connect with ourselves on a deeper level and find peace in the present moment. Each movement and breath is an opportunity to embrace our physical and emotional selves, and cultivate a sense of self-love and compassion. These practices give us the strength and resilience to face the challenges of life, and to find joy and gratitude in every day.

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    As we nurture and care for our home garden, filled with nourishing vegetables and fruits, we are reminded of the truth that we truly are what we eat. We embrace the belief that food should be our first line of defense against illness, rather than relying solely on medication. With every bite of these healing foods, we feel a sense of hope and renewal, knowing that we are taking control of our health and well-being.

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    As we reach out for support and healing, we humbly accept every prayer that is offered to us. Every single one is a precious gift, a ray of hope in the darkness. They give us strength and courage to face the struggles ahead, and bring us closer to the divine. We are deeply grateful for the love and care that surrounds us, and know that through the power of prayer, we will find the healing we seek.

Our Programs

  • All
  • Fitness
  • Nutrition
  • Mindfulness


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